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for children

CBD Workshops for children and adolescents

The aim of the programme is to help  participants develop social and communication  skills  and overcome personal difficulties including  but not  limited to fears, anxieties, ritualistic mannerisms, resistance to change, and lack of self confidence.

The  children  are  invited to engage  in  exciting  fictional  scenarios  and  solve  problems     such as  saving  the chocolate factory;  travelling to the place of  the ice cream mountains,  the  chocolate rivers and the  candy trees; flying  with magic carpets; setting up their own business; bringing  back home a missing child, etc., that would empower them to develop self- confidence and motivate them to acquire skills including:


  • initiating conversation and activities

  • listening, attending and understanding verbal and non verbal cue

  • taking someone else’s perspective

  • developing empathy and awareness of other peoples needs

  • developing self awareness


Acknowledging the diversity of the needs of children on the autism spectrum, all parents are contacted  prior  to  the commencement  of  the CBD  programme so  as  to help us develop individual  educational  plans  for  each participant taking into consideration their strengths, weaknesses  and  special  interests.  Individualised  measurable objectives  are  set for each child. Regular communication with the parents throughout the programme is encouraged to monitor progress and ensure that each child is benefiting from the intervention.

The  classes  are  restricted  to  a  maximum  of  five  children,  so  as  to ensure that  each participant’s  individual needs  are met. All  sessions  are  designed  and  implemented  by   Dr. Haris Karnezi and her team.

Workshops for children


The aim of the programme  is to help children develop social and communication skills  and  overcome personal  difficulties including but not limited to fears, anxieties, ritualistic mannerisms, resistance to change, and lack of self confidence.

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©2015 - Haris Karnezi

Setup by Sylvika


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