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Intensive seminar

Seminars for professionals


7 November - 3 December 2023 

Intensive CBD Seminar

CBD workshops are offered from November to May in Athens. Workshops abroad can be organized upon request from July to September.

CBD Experiential Workshops for professionals

These are intensive workshops aimed at introducing the CBD model to professionals who work with children with behavior and communication difficulties including (Asperger syndrome, HFA, ADHD and selective mutism).


Cognitive Behavior Drama (CBD) is a developmental, behavioral and relationship-based intervention program that brings together the science of psychology with the art form of drama to create an unobtrusive and exciting approach that would provide children with the motivation to engage in the therapeutic process. It is a child-centered approach that uses the participants' strengths and special interests to address areas of concern. Through interactive fairy-tales it offers children the opportunity to learn and practice target skills, as well as overcome personal difficulties including fears and anxieties. The fictional scenarios act as motivating operations and reinforcement arises as a natural consequence. Many of the techniques can be effectively used in conjunction with other established intervention approaches.


In this hands-on workshop participants will learn how children on the autism spectrum process information differently, the resulting challenges and how to address them, suggesting a pedagogy for autism based on their distinct cognitive style. Participants will have the opportunity to get an understanding of the theoretical underpinning of the CBD model and hands on experience on its practical application.


This intensive training will:


  • describe the theoretical and empirical framework, curriculum and teaching principles of CBD.


  • provide participants with an opportunity to engage in a CBD program as students, so that they can have an experiential understanding of how the model works in practice.


  • offer them hands-on experience on developing, implementing and evaluating a CBD program to address the specific needs of their students.


  • offer them hundreds of ideas that they will be able to immediately implement.

It is hoped that at the conclusion of the workshop, participants:


  • would have gained an understanding of the relevance of the CBD model to the needs of children on the autism spectrum, as well as learned how to apply the model to develop target skills.


  • will be able to develop interactive fairy-tales that will motivate their students to engage in the learning process and develop competencies associated with communicative success such as listening skills, turn-taking, team working, initiating and responding to social initiations, understanding and expressing emotions .


  • will be able to incorporate in their lesson plans tasks addressing the major theories of explanation for autism such as theory of mind, executive functioning, and central coherence deficit.

©2015 - Haris Karnezi

Setup by Sylvika


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