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Say It With a Fairy Tale
Cognitive Behaviour Drama in collaboration with three upcoming theatre companies is presenting three interactive fairytales aiming to unfold the feeling and fears of children.
Workshop in NYU
On 24th April, Dr Karnezi is invited by the Director of the Drama Therapy Program at New York University (NYU), professor of Educational Theatre and Applied Psychology, Robert Landy, to give a workshop on Cognitive Behavior Drama (CBD). The workshop will offer participants the opportunity to grasp an understanding of the challenges experienced by individuals on the autism spectrum and hands on experience on how to address these challenges using the CBD model as vehicle.

Trinity College Dublin, Ireland Cognitive Behaviour Drama training 27-28 July and 3-4 August 2013
Intensive 16hour hands on training on the Cognitive Behaviour Drama model is held at Trinity College Dublin, School of Psychology on 27-28 July and 3-4 August 2013. Dr Haris Karnezi and Dr Kevin Tierney introduce the CBD model to professionals in the field of autism.

Asperger Center for Education and Training, New York Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th May 2011
Dr Haris Karnezi introduced the Cognitive Behavior Drama model to professionals in the field of autism at the Asperger Center for Education and Training in New York.

New Article Published by Dr Haris Karnezi
Dr Haris Karnezi's article, entitled: A Novel Intervention to Address Fears in Children with Asperger Syndrome: A Pilot Study of the Cognitive Behaviour Drama (CBD) Model, was published in the April issue of Behaviour Change Journal. This is a peer-reviewed journal of the Australian Association for Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy (AACBT). The full article is available upon request at karnezih@tcd.ie

Woman of the Year 2009 Award
The 7th annual Life and Style Awards was held on Tuesday 9th March 2010, at the Athinon Arena venue in Athens. Dr Haris Karnezi received the prestigious Woman of the Year 2009 Award in the scientist category, in recognition of her innovative work in the field of autism. This is an award that was launched by one of the most prominent publishing houses in Greece, Liberis Publications, to honour women who have excelled in their fields.

8th Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Forum
The 8th Autism Spectrum Disorder Research Forum was held at the Darebin Arts & Entertainment Centre in Melbourne on 10th November 2009. The forum focused on the developments in the field of autism research. Researchers, clinicians, parents and educators in the field of autism shared common concerns and research findings. Dr Haris Karnezi contributed to the forum with two presentations: An Oral Presentation: Drama for Children with Asperger Syndrome: Introduction to the Cognitive Behaviour Drama model, methods and research findings. [Karnezi, H., Tierney, K.] A Poster Presentation: Cognitive Behaviour Drama as a method to address fears in high functioning children with autism & Asperger Syndrome. [Karnezi, H., Tierney, K.]
2009 Asia Pacific Autism Conference
The 2009 Asia Pacific Autism Conference(APAC 2009) was held from 20 - 22 August 2009 at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre, Sydney. The conference was highly successful, and attracted over 1600 delegates from all over the globe. Important issues about Autism Spectrum Disorders were covered in a diverse
programme of presentations that included personal stories, intervention strategies, and research on the cause of autism. Dr Haris Karnezi participated in the conference with three presentations:
A workshop: An introduction to a Drama in Education model specifically designed to address the needs of high functioning children with autism. [Karnezi, H., Tierney, K.]
An Oral Presentation: A novel intervention devised to address the needs of high functioning children with autism, based on the principles of Drama in Education, Cognitive and Behaviour theories. [Karnezi, H., Tierney, K.] A Poster: Drama as a method to address fears in high functioning children with autism. [Karnezi, H., Tierney, K.]
"When Tony met Eliza" a human size puppet in the service of children with autism.
World renowned expert in the field of autism, professor Tony Attwood, explains how Eliza (a human size puppet) can serve as a teaching tool for children on the autism spectrum.

GAME CHANGER – Sydney 10 to 12 July 2015
This year, one of the largest international Drama in Education conferences ever to be held in Australia will be hosted by Drama Australia & Drama New Zealand at the National Institute of Dramatic Art. On 12th July 2015 Dr Haris Karnezi will present a workshop entitled: “Cognitive Behaviour Drama: An Inclusive Pedagogy”

Young Child Expo & Conference
On 23rd April 2015, Dr Karnezi will discuss her paper entitled “Cognitive Behaviour Drama: A novel intervention designed to improve social functioning in children on the higher end of the autism spectrum”, at the international Young Child Expo & Conference that will be held at the Wyndham New Yorker Hotel in Manhattan. This is a prestigious international conference that brings together over 1200 professionals for a 3 day professional development program led by top experts in the field of child development. It is worth noting here that Dr Karnezi's presentation was approved as a continuing development activity by both the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and by The National Association of Social Workers Boards (ASWB), offering CE credits.

YAI's 34th Annual International Conference
On Tuesday 7th May at 9am, Dr Haris Karnezi will be presenting her paper entitledMaking sense of the world through dramatic metaphor at the YAI's 34th Annual International Conference on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.

IMFAR - International Meeting for Autism Research 2011
The International Meeting for Austism Research (IMFAR) is an annual scientific meeting, convened each spring, to provide ASD researchers from around the world with a focused opportunity to share the rapidly moving scientific investigation of ASD. This year the meeting took place in San Diego, California from 12 to 14 May. Dr Haris Karnezi presented the results of her research at the conference.

III World Congress of Autism 2010
The third World Congress of Autism took place in Monterrey - Mexico on 3rd, 4th and 5th November 2010. Dr Haris Karnezi presented the following papers at the congress:
An Introduction to the Cognitive Behaviour Drama Model as a Method to Address the Social and Communication Challenges Encountered by Children on the Higher End of the Autism Spectrum [Karnezi, H., Tierney, K.] Cognitive Behaviour Drama: A Novel Intervention Model Designed to Address Fears in High Functioning Children with Autism. [Karnezi, H., Tierney, K.]
SBS Radio’s Greek program
On Thursday 12 November 09, Dr Haris Karnezi talked to Mr Vaios Anastasopoulos on SBS Radio’s Greek program about the difficulties that children on the autism spectrum encounter in their everyday life social interactions, and the current developments in the field of autism.
Radio Hellas in Melbourne
On Wednesday 28 October 2009, Dr Haris Karnezi spoke on the 3XY 1422 AM Radio Hellas in Melbourne. Mr Andreas Haralambidis, host of the “AGAPI” FOUNDATION program, interviewed Haris about her visit to Australia, her participation and impressions of the Asia Pacific Autism Conference APAC in Sydney, her research and future plans.